Friday 22 August 2008

Long time, No Post

Ok, so summer is almost at an end, and still no word about grades from last year which is a bummer (also, when do we start again?!?).
Over the holiday, aside from going out ALOT (huzzah for no early mornings!) and working, ive been working on my drawing and general graphics skills, and trying my hand at some more advanced modelling. I'm fairly pleased with the results, having already filled two awesome Moleskine books, and a sizeable portion of my harddrive.
In Addition, ive managed to catch up on all my gaming. This effort will of course all be wasted, what with practically every game worth its weight released in the next few months.
In related news, i've also had a nice tax refund, so that going on a new Nehalem DDR3 system when Intel gets their act sorted.
Anyway, i thought i better get a post in to seperate next year from last year.


Oh yeah, completely forgot to metion Uni courses. I've a good hard look, and (if i do apply) i will probably go for something along the lines of Games Technology and Computer Science. Brighton seems to have a pretty decent course including a sandwhich year, but then again Kingston has a very nice alternative (Computer Science With Games). While I'd love to go to uni, I'm not sure it the wisest choice, as many degrees are outdated by the time you graduate, so maybe (if its achieveable) ill try and get a job straight out. Then again, going to uni purely for the sandwhich year would help...

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